For many years we have searched for it. Men have lost their lives over it. Women have paid high prices to find it. We have traveled the world to the farthest reaches to seek it out. Since ancient times it has been sought after. But, I know where the fountain of youth is! And I'm going to share it with you! You ready? The fountain of youth is in your mind. It has always been there. It's the voice that tells you to conquer. It's the "fight" response that we sometimes ignore and instead choose to listen to the "flight" response because it's easier. It's the burning desire to have more, be better, keep pushing forward. Because when your mind is right, there is nothing that you can't do!!!
We are the fattest country in the world. There are more obese people living in the USA than any other place on the planet. I am from Louisiana and we are SECOND in the Nation in obesity. Why? Because many of us don't have our minds right. There are some cases where people have medical conditions that contribute to them being overweight and in those cases I say seek medical advice. But for the majority our health issues are BECAUSE we are overweight and under-active. I can't tell you how many times I've heard "I would love to get in shape but I have high blood pressure, high choloesteral and I take meds for that. And I have bad knees and a bad back and I can't do any exercises". All of those problems are usually because the person talking is extremely overweight. So, since I am all about making the world a better place, let me share with you what I have learned in my 20+ years in the fitness industry. Before you read further, please note I don't proclaim to be an expert and before you start any physicial program you should consult your physician. But you can't/won't do any of that until you get your mind right. Nobody made you fat, McDonald's and Burger King didn't do it, YOU did it. That is the first thing you need to do--own your weight and health issues. Because until you accept that YOU did this to YOU, then YOU will never accept that YOU CAN un-do this to you. So, if your'e mind isn't right, read no further. Save this blog for a time when you are ready to accept, learn, apply, and move forward, and go lay back down on the couch with the remote. But if you think you are ready, please read on.
Things that I have learned in the fitness industry:
1. You MUST set goals. And they MUST be specific, written and posted where you will see them regularly. Setting a goal of losing weight does not get it. Because you could lose one pound and say "There, I met my goal. I'm done." Generally a person can lose an average of two pounds per week--that's 8 - 10 pounds per month. Of course you can lose more but I'm going to tell you how to do it the healthy way without pills and extreme diets.
2. The secret to losing weight is to create a caloric deficit. You must burn up more calories than you consume. Bottom line and yes, it's really that simple. But you have to know how much goes in and how much you are burning up. Keep a food journal. Write down everything you eat during the day and the amount of calories you are consuming. There are several websites you can go to that will tell you how many calories foods contain--google 'em. Then you should invest in a monitor that you wear when you exercise that will show you how many calories you have burned during exercise. I recommend the bodybugg. You log in your food to the website and it calculates your calories. It also monitors how many calories you have burned during the day as well as how many steps you have taken. The goal there being to take more steps every day....the more you move the more you burn. The bugg is rather pricey but there are plenty of other monitors you can order online or purchase at Academy etc.
3. Eat every 2 - 3 hours!! WHAT!!!!???? Yup.In order to keep your metabolism up your body needs to be fed every 2 - 3 hours. BUT, it must be fed correctly. You are about to become an athlete with a lean, strong body, so you must start eating like an athlete. In order to lose weight you should consume more protiens than carbs. DO NOT deprive your body of carbs, it needs it. But DO limit your intake and the time of you day you eat them. Carbs are best consumed during the day and not at the evening meal. It gives your body a chance to turn it to the sugar it needs to function as well as time to burn it off before you go to bed.
4. NEVER skip breakfast. They have been telling us this since the beginning of time but it is so true. The reason it's called breakfast is because you are breaking the fast of not eating for 8 hours. Guess what happens when you wake up and hit the ground running and the first bite of food that goes in your mouth is noon? Your body has already gone into starvation mode and your metabolism has slowed in order not to consume the stores it has. A slow metabolism means fewer calories being consumed and that is totally going against what you are trying to achieve. So don't sabotage your efforts by skipping breakfast.
5. Ladies, don't be afraid to do resistance training using heavy weights. You WILL NOT bulk up, you don't have enough testosterone in your body to create muscles like a man. Gentlemen, you DO have the testosterone to bulk up so, add the weights. Personally, I recommend weight training 3 days a week skipping a day in between, male or female. The reason that it is recommended you skip a day in between is because when you are lifting and pushing those muscles to failure you are tearing those muscles. Jillian Michaels doesn't call her program "Shred it" for nothing. In order to build that muscle back up, you have to let it heal a day before you tear it up again. If you don't, you will not see results, other than just being sore all the time and leaving yourself prone to injury. We have also learned that resistance training creates a cardio effect with an after-burn that lasts as long or longer than straight cardio.
6. Cardio, Cardio, Cardio. This is a MUST for burning calories. Pick the activity you want to do; running, Zumba, Aerobics, Belly Dance, Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire, Plyometrics, Basketball, Tennis, skating,cycling, it doesn't matter. Pick something that burns calories and I'm talking until you are dripping wet with sweat. Make it something you enjoy doing and do it at least 3 times a week. It is important to note that this activity needs to be what I call a soul mate workout. Try them until you find your soul mate. I'm not saying find something easy, make it challenging but something that fits YOU. I love music so, I run with my ipod stuck in my ears or I do Turbo Jam or Turbo Fire. It doesn't matter, my point is if you don't love it, your not going to do it.
7. Schedule your workout time. Put it on the calendar as if it were an appointment that you can't miss and DONT!! This is YOUR time so schedule it when you will have the least amount of interruptions. I am NOT a morning person but 4:30 AM is when I have the least amount of interruptions. Get my point? It may not be a convenient time or an easy time but this is work people and sacrifices must be made, so figure it out and do it.
8. Gym or home workout? Doesn't matter. Again, whatever fits your lifestyle. If it's easier to get to the gym to get away from the interruptions, join a gym. Paying the membership and possibly hiring a personal trainer may be enough incentive to make you get dressed and go!!! If you can't stand the gym atmosphere, or it's just a logistical nightmare, invest in some weights, resistance bands and a 90 day program that you can do at home.
9. There is no such thing as a diet!!! Stop it with the "d" word!! If you want to change the way you look and feel you have to change your lifestyle. This is a lifestyle change. That means that for the rest of your life, you must perform in this manner. When you achieve a goal, stop, take a deep breath, celebrate, and set a higher goal---forever. Lather, rinse, repeat!!! A diet is temporary, a lifestyle change is permanent.
This blog is long enough so I'm going to wind it up. I know some of this sounds pretty "in your face" and I mean it to be. I see so much potential in others and it makes me so mad/sad when I hear them make excuses. I want so much for YOU and I will be in your corner because you will need support and like-minded friends. This change is not easy and most of us don't like change. But this change IS the fountain of youth. You will have more energy, more enthusiasm for life, better health, and you will be able to participate in more activities with your kids. You will be more loving and understanding of the people around you. You will find your circle of friends to be more positive because positive people attract positive people.
I will follow up with another one discussing plateaus, clothing, shoes, support groups, and anything else you want me to talk about. Please leave me comments, opinions, and any questions or suggestions you have for the follow up blog.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Anyone out there with a sweet tooth like me??
So, I don’t know about you, but I love sweets. Doesn’t matter what it is, I will eat it.
Cake, yes!
Ice cream, of course!
Cookies, yes ma’am!
Candy, duh!
Understandably, this creates some difficulties in my healthy lifestyle. Sure, a cheat day now and then is ok, but I can’t cheat every day! So, for all the sweet tooths out there, here are some of the ways I satisfy my cravings without sacrificing my eating plan.
**Originally posted on Kristin's blog -***
Cake, yes!
Ice cream, of course!
Cookies, yes ma’am!
Candy, duh!
Understandably, this creates some difficulties in my healthy lifestyle. Sure, a cheat day now and then is ok, but I can’t cheat every day! So, for all the sweet tooths out there, here are some of the ways I satisfy my cravings without sacrificing my eating plan.
- Hershey kisses – There are 22 calories in 1 hershey kiss. You can quickly satisfy a chocolate craving with just a couple kisses and only add 100 calories to your day.
- Mini Ice Cream Sandwich – This is my current obsession. The ones from Mayfield only have 90 calories. Cookie and ice cream for less than 100 calories! Yes please!
- Fudge Stix – This will help with the chocolate and ice cream craving as well. And with only 60 calories, you can’t go wrong!
- Applesauce replacement – When baking, you can always substitute half the butter or oil with unsweetened applesauce. Greatly reduces the fat in the recipe.
- Reduce sugar in baking by substituting part of the amount with spices such as cinnamon, cloves, allspice and nutmeg or flavorings such as vanilla extract or almond flavoring to enhance the sweetness of the food.
- Portion control – On those occassions when you just have to have the piece of cake, cut a small piece. Or, when that cookie is staring you in the face, break it in half. Craving a Wendy’s frost, choose the junior size. Portions are key in everything we eat!
- Shakeology – I have chocolate shakeology as a meal replacement throughout the week. With only 140 calories, I can add almond milk and some Better ‘n Peanut Butter and still be under 300 calories for a great meal that satisfies my sweet tooth at the same time.
**Originally posted on Kristin's blog -***
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Walking in Confidence! LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE!!!!!!!!
( This blog was originally posted on by Aimee Lee Wynn )
*A bear, however hard he tries, grows tubby without exercise.* A. A. Milne ~Teddy Bear It is interesting to me.... browsing you-tube... I have seen a few videos of girls that have done what I am on this journey to do, lose about 150 pounds or more total...... From their first vids @ their highest weights to further into their journey...the thing I am noticing the MOST....., even more then how amazing they look, is the change in their CONFIDENCE! Some of them start out almost shy.....and as they go along, they are getting pretty darn sassy ;) LOL. I love it, because as the Flubber Suits are being melted off of them through their exercise and nutrition changes they are like a Butterfly emerging from their Cocoon! Their true UNHINDERED selves are coming to the surface!
For me, I actually noticed a bit of this in MYSELF this past few days...I am usually insanely picky about going ANYWHERE without my make-up and hair done... because it's always been the thing I have control over.... now the other day after work, I went out to one of the big chain stores...and had no make-up other then foundation and I think some faded lipstick. lol... hair was up in a twisty thing, and wearin' my work clothes and a sweater that's getting too big on me ( one of my * new* 2x's from a month ago! woohoo! ;)...there were about 5 gazillion people in the store. lol. Go figure, right? But in I went...
Now at one point... I began to feel some of those old , rotten feelings of being super self-conscious trying to rear their ugly is the thing. I STOPPED it. I saw myself in the mirror, and instead of saying, * Holy cow... you look TERRIBLE! look at that flubber! Look at that hair! YIKES!*.... I said...* Ok WAIT. You know what girlie? You've lost FIFTY-FIVE pounds! 38.25 INCHES! STOP. So you look a little less then perfect today. It's Walmart for pete's sake, and who cares?! *
I know it may sound a little silly.. but for ME.. this was a HUGE mental change. Some of those nasty bits of the insecurity stronghold I have held onto my entire life are fallin' off me left and right along with those pounds and inches! (on a side note, a really WONDERFUL book about how we talk to ourselves it *Battlefield of the Mind * by Joyce Meyer... VERY powerful!). And guess what? TODAY I did the same thing. We had our awesome Northland Fit Club this morning ( burned about 700 calories in an hour! woot!) .... I hadn't even washed my hair this morn' when I showered....just stuck it up in pigtails...was wearin' my workout pants, and a sweatshirt ( and once again, this 2x is getting baggy! I know, cause both my fellow fit-club coaches told me so! ahhh!:) and once again... no make-up! But what did I do? Off to Walmart, off to look at costumes....I was up by those stores and simply did NOT care! I even bought the most GORGEOUS dress.... it is a size 8/10.... it was 5 lovin' the thrift stores... it's gonna be a looooong time until I could possibly fit into it, but this is my * Goal dress* A beautiful, shimmery, gothicy little black dress... TOTALLY my style and TOTALLY something I would never have been able to even CONSIDER I would ever get into. BUT.... I am NOT stopping until I reach my healthy goal! It may or may not be the right size by then, but for 5 dollars to hang on my door to remind me what I want to look like and FEEL like...( a REAL woman! Not a marshmallow! ) it was SO worth it!
As I have said a few times... this change is not just physical! In fact, it MUST start with your mind. Because until your mind us ready to commit, your body will not cooperate. You will not stick to your plans. But once the mind is SET. NOTHING...and NO ONE can STOP YOU!
am I 100% comfortable in my skin? Of course not. But I am MILES more confident then I ever have been before. I have the MIND-SET of a HEALTHY FIT person...and so that is what I am becoming! It may take many more months for that to completely come to the surface, but it is the truth! And you know what? People are starting to notice I am coming out of my shell. And it is a WONDERFUL feeling!
I'm DONE with being a wallflower, and am on this journey to let my true sassy, confident self shine! God didn't make me to hide my light under a bushel! He created me to love and support people, to encourage them, and to actually ENJOY my life! He has plans and purposes He made just for me, that I am SO done letting fear, failure and fat steal!!!!! ( just as He has for YOU! YES every single ONE of you! ...not matter WHERE you are at in your journeys.. you are SPECIAL and PRECIOUS! )
Let's ROCK our lives my readers... GET UP and WORK it! Fat is only a shell. Don't hide behind it anymore! It won't happen overnight, but oh YES, it CAN and WILL happen if you are determined!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Eating Guidelines
Team Beach Body recommends to follow Michi's Ladder as an eating guideline. If you eat from the first two tiers only, you will have a near perfect diet. Avoid eating lower on the ladder.
Carb: C | Fat: F | Protein: P
Tier 1: The Pious Tier
Apples, with skin C
Artichokes (no sauce) PC
Amaranth PC
Arugula C
Asparagus C
Barley C
Beans PCF
Beets C
Blueberries C
Bok choy C
Boysenberries C
Bran C
Broccoli PC
Broccoli sprouts PC
Brussels sprouts PC
Cabbage C
Carrots C
Cauliflower C
Celery C
Chard PC
Chickpeas PC
Cherries C
Citrus fruits C
Collard greens PC
Cottage cheese (nonfat) P
Cucumbers C
Egg whites P
Endive C
Fish (broiled, steamed, grilled) PF
Flaxseed F
Garlic (fresh) C
Grapefruit C
Grapes C
Hempseed F
Kale PFC
Ketchup (homemade, no sugar) C
Kiwifruit C
Lentils PFC
Lettuce (romaine, green or red leaf) C
Melon honeydew C
Milk (nonfat) PC
Mushrooms C
Mustard C
Natto PFC
Nectarines C
Onions C
Papayas C
Peaches C
Pears C
Peas PC
Peppers C
Pineapple C
Plums C
Prunes C
Quinoa PC
Radishes C
Raspberries C
Refried beans (nonfat) PC
Rice (whole-grain) C
Salsa (natural, no sugar or oil) C
Spelt PC
Shakeology CP
Spinach PC
Squash C
Strawberries C
String beans PC
Sweet potatoes C
Tea (green or black, no sugar)
Tomato sauce (no sugar) C
Tomatoes C
Yams C
Yogurt (nonfat, no sugar) PC
Zucchini C
Tier 2: The Happy Tier
Apples, skinless C
Applesauce (raw) C
Avocados F
Bagels (whole-grain) C
Bananas C
Bread (whole-grain) FC
Broths (veggie, chicken, etc., low sodium) FC
Buffalo, super lean (under 10% fat) PF
Cereal (whole-grain) PFC
Cheese (nonfat) P
Coffee (black or cappuccino w/ nonfat milk) C
Coconut F
Corn FC
Couscous PFC
Cottage cheese (low-fat) PF
Cream cheese (nonfat) P
Dates C
Eggs, whole PF
Eggplant C
Feta cheese (low-fat) PF
Fowl (skinless, white meat only) PF
Figs C
Granola (raw, no sugar) PFC
Hummus PFC
Juice (fresh-squeezed w/ pulp, no sugar) C
Mangoes C
Meat, wild game PF
Milk (1%) PFC
Muesli (raw, no sugar) PFC
Nuts (raw) PF
Nut butters (raw, no additives) PF
Oatmeal PC
Olive oil F
Olives F
Pork tenderloin PF
Plantains C
Raisins C
Ricotta cheese (nonfat) P
Rye Crisp C
Seitan PFC
Squid PF
Sunflower seeds PF
Tahini PF
Tempeh PFC
Tofu PFC
Vegetable juice C
Veggie burger PFC
Yacon syrup C
Yogurt (low-fat, no sugar) PFC
Tier 3: The Swiss Tier
Applesauce (big brand) C
Agave nectar C
Almond milk PFC
Beef, ground, super lean (under 10% fat) PF
Beef (lean cuts) PF
Broths (veggie, chicken, etc.) C
Butter (unsalted) F
Canola oil F
Cheese (hard)
Cheese (low-fat) PF
Chicken taco (baked) PFC
Chili (no lard or sugar added) PF
Crackers (whole-grain) FC
Cream cheese (low-fat) PF
Fowl (skinless, dark meat only) PF
Fowl, ground, super lean (under 10% fat) PF
French fries (baked) FC
Fruit (dried) C
Granola (no sugar added) C
Honey C
Jam or marmalade (no sugar added) C
Ketchup (store bought, no sugar added) C
Lamb (lean) PF
Lettuce (iceberg) C
Maple syrup (natural, no sugar added) C
Milk (2%) PFC
Muesli (big brand) PC
Molasses C
Oatmeal (flavored) PC
Pancakes (buckwheat) C
Pasta (whole-grain) C
Pickles C
Popcorn (plain) FC
Potatoes (baked or boiled) C
Refried beans (low-fat) PFC
Rice cakes C
Rice milk C
Rice (white) C
Sauerkraut C
Shellfish P
Shrimp P
Soy milk PFC
Soy nuts PFC
Sugar alcohols (Truvia, & anything ending in –tol) C
Sushi PFC
Tortillas (whole wheat) FC
Veal PF
Wine (red) C
Wine (white) C
Tier 4: The Dodgy Tier
Artificial sweeteners (sucralose, aspartame, saccharine, etc.)
Bagels (refined flour) C
Beef, ground, lean (under 20% fat) PF
Beer C
Bread (refined flour) C
Butter (salted) F
Caesar salad (w/ chicken) PFC
Canadian bacon PF
Cheese, soft (including blue and goat) F
Chips (low-fat, baked) C
Cobb salad PFC
Coffee (iced mocha latte w/ nonfat milk) PC
Coffee (latte w/ whole milk) PFC
Coffee cake FC
Crackers FC
Cream cheese F
Fish (fried) PF
Fowl (with skin) PF
Fowl, ground, lean (under 20% fat) PF
Graham crackers C
Ham PF
Hot dogs (turkey) PF
Ice cream (sugar-free or fat-free) FC
Jell-O C
Jerky (turkey) P
Juice (from concentrate) C
Lamb chops PF
Lasagna PFC
Macaroni and cheese FC
Mayonnaise F
Meat loaf PF
Milk (whole) PFC
Muffins FC
Nuts (salted or roasted) F
Nut butters (processed) FC
Pancakes FC
Peanut butter (not raw) FC
Pizza (thin crust veggie) PFC
Popcorn (w/ salt and butter) FC
Pork chop PF
Potato salad or macaroni salad FC
Pretzels C
Pudding (w/ low-fat milk) FC
Reuben sandwich PFC
Sauce (steak, etc.) C
Sherbet C
Sloppy Joe (lean beef or turkey) PFC
Soup (canned creamy) PFC
Soy sauce
Spaghetti (w/ meatballs) PFC
Sub sandwich PFC
Sweet-and-sour sauce FC
Tortilla (refined flour or corn) FC
Tuna salad or chicken salad PF
Yogurt (frozen) C
Tier 5: The Newburg Tier
Alcohol (hard liquor)
Bacon PF
Baked beans PFC
Beef, ground, regular, (over 20% fat) PF
Beef taco (fried) PFC
"Breaded" foods FC
Breakfast sandwich (fast-food) PFC
Cake FC
Candy PFC
Cereal (sugared) PFC
Chicken à la King PFC
Chicken (buffalo wings, nuggets, tenders) PFC
Chicken or fish sandwich, fried PFC
Chips (potato or corn) FC
Chocolate PFC
Chicken fried steak PFC
Cinnamon bun FC
Coffee (mocha, macchiato, ice blended, frappé, triple caramel vanilla buzz bomb, etc.) FC
Cookies (Oreo®, etc.) FC
Creamed veggies FC
Creamer (nondairy) FC
Doughnuts FC
Energy drinks C
Fowl, ground, regular (over 20% fat) PF
French fries FC
Gravy PF
Grilled cheese sandwich PFC
Hamburger (fast-food) PFC
High fructose corn syrup C
Hot dogs PFC
"Hydrogenated" foods F
Ice cream FC
Jerky (beef, pork, venison) PFC
Juice (sugar added) C
Lobster Newburg PFC
Margarine F
Milk (cream or half-and-half) PFC
Nachos FC
Onion rings FC
Pastries FC
Pies FC
Pizza (delivered) PFC
Potato skins (fried) FC
Refried beans (w/ lard) PFC
Salad dressing (creamy) FC
Sausage PF
Soft drinks, diet (read the studies)
Soft drinks, sugared C
Sports drinks & foods (unless you're playing sports)
Syrup C
Sugar (refined) C
Tater tots FC
Toaster pastries FC
Vegetable oil (cheap big brand) F
Carb: C | Fat: F | Protein: P
Tier 1: The Pious Tier
Apples, with skin C
Artichokes (no sauce) PC
Amaranth PC
Arugula C
Asparagus C
Barley C
Beans PCF
Beets C
Blueberries C
Bok choy C
Boysenberries C
Bran C
Broccoli PC
Broccoli sprouts PC
Brussels sprouts PC
Cabbage C
Carrots C
Cauliflower C
Celery C
Chard PC
Chickpeas PC
Cherries C
Citrus fruits C
Collard greens PC
Cottage cheese (nonfat) P
Cucumbers C
Egg whites P
Endive C
Fish (broiled, steamed, grilled) PF
Flaxseed F
Garlic (fresh) C
Grapefruit C
Grapes C
Hempseed F
Kale PFC
Ketchup (homemade, no sugar) C
Kiwifruit C
Lentils PFC
Lettuce (romaine, green or red leaf) C
Melon honeydew C
Milk (nonfat) PC
Mushrooms C
Mustard C
Natto PFC
Nectarines C
Onions C
Papayas C
Peaches C
Pears C
Peas PC
Peppers C
Pineapple C
Plums C
Prunes C
Quinoa PC
Radishes C
Raspberries C
Refried beans (nonfat) PC
Rice (whole-grain) C
Salsa (natural, no sugar or oil) C
Spelt PC
Shakeology CP
Spinach PC
Squash C
Strawberries C
String beans PC
Sweet potatoes C
Tea (green or black, no sugar)
Tomato sauce (no sugar) C
Tomatoes C
Yams C
Yogurt (nonfat, no sugar) PC
Zucchini C
Tier 2: The Happy Tier
Apples, skinless C
Applesauce (raw) C
Avocados F
Bagels (whole-grain) C
Bananas C
Bread (whole-grain) FC
Broths (veggie, chicken, etc., low sodium) FC
Buffalo, super lean (under 10% fat) PF
Cereal (whole-grain) PFC
Cheese (nonfat) P
Coffee (black or cappuccino w/ nonfat milk) C
Coconut F
Corn FC
Couscous PFC
Cottage cheese (low-fat) PF
Cream cheese (nonfat) P
Dates C
Eggs, whole PF
Eggplant C
Feta cheese (low-fat) PF
Fowl (skinless, white meat only) PF
Figs C
Granola (raw, no sugar) PFC
Hummus PFC
Juice (fresh-squeezed w/ pulp, no sugar) C
Mangoes C
Meat, wild game PF
Milk (1%) PFC
Muesli (raw, no sugar) PFC
Nuts (raw) PF
Nut butters (raw, no additives) PF
Oatmeal PC
Olive oil F
Olives F
Pork tenderloin PF
Plantains C
Raisins C
Ricotta cheese (nonfat) P
Rye Crisp C
Seitan PFC
Squid PF
Sunflower seeds PF
Tahini PF
Tempeh PFC
Tofu PFC
Vegetable juice C
Veggie burger PFC
Yacon syrup C
Yogurt (low-fat, no sugar) PFC
Tier 3: The Swiss Tier
Applesauce (big brand) C
Agave nectar C
Almond milk PFC
Beef, ground, super lean (under 10% fat) PF
Beef (lean cuts) PF
Broths (veggie, chicken, etc.) C
Butter (unsalted) F
Canola oil F
Cheese (hard)
Cheese (low-fat) PF
Chicken taco (baked) PFC
Chili (no lard or sugar added) PF
Crackers (whole-grain) FC
Cream cheese (low-fat) PF
Fowl (skinless, dark meat only) PF
Fowl, ground, super lean (under 10% fat) PF
French fries (baked) FC
Fruit (dried) C
Granola (no sugar added) C
Honey C
Jam or marmalade (no sugar added) C
Ketchup (store bought, no sugar added) C
Lamb (lean) PF
Lettuce (iceberg) C
Maple syrup (natural, no sugar added) C
Milk (2%) PFC
Muesli (big brand) PC
Molasses C
Oatmeal (flavored) PC
Pancakes (buckwheat) C
Pasta (whole-grain) C
Pickles C
Popcorn (plain) FC
Potatoes (baked or boiled) C
Refried beans (low-fat) PFC
Rice cakes C
Rice milk C
Rice (white) C
Sauerkraut C
Shellfish P
Shrimp P
Soy milk PFC
Soy nuts PFC
Sugar alcohols (Truvia, & anything ending in –tol) C
Sushi PFC
Tortillas (whole wheat) FC
Veal PF
Wine (red) C
Wine (white) C
Tier 4: The Dodgy Tier
Artificial sweeteners (sucralose, aspartame, saccharine, etc.)
Bagels (refined flour) C
Beef, ground, lean (under 20% fat) PF
Beer C
Bread (refined flour) C
Butter (salted) F
Caesar salad (w/ chicken) PFC
Canadian bacon PF
Cheese, soft (including blue and goat) F
Chips (low-fat, baked) C
Cobb salad PFC
Coffee (iced mocha latte w/ nonfat milk) PC
Coffee (latte w/ whole milk) PFC
Coffee cake FC
Crackers FC
Cream cheese F
Fish (fried) PF
Fowl (with skin) PF
Fowl, ground, lean (under 20% fat) PF
Graham crackers C
Ham PF
Hot dogs (turkey) PF
Ice cream (sugar-free or fat-free) FC
Jell-O C
Jerky (turkey) P
Juice (from concentrate) C
Lamb chops PF
Lasagna PFC
Macaroni and cheese FC
Mayonnaise F
Meat loaf PF
Milk (whole) PFC
Muffins FC
Nuts (salted or roasted) F
Nut butters (processed) FC
Pancakes FC
Peanut butter (not raw) FC
Pizza (thin crust veggie) PFC
Popcorn (w/ salt and butter) FC
Pork chop PF
Potato salad or macaroni salad FC
Pretzels C
Pudding (w/ low-fat milk) FC
Reuben sandwich PFC
Sauce (steak, etc.) C
Sherbet C
Sloppy Joe (lean beef or turkey) PFC
Soup (canned creamy) PFC
Soy sauce
Spaghetti (w/ meatballs) PFC
Sub sandwich PFC
Sweet-and-sour sauce FC
Tortilla (refined flour or corn) FC
Tuna salad or chicken salad PF
Yogurt (frozen) C
Tier 5: The Newburg Tier
Alcohol (hard liquor)
Bacon PF
Baked beans PFC
Beef, ground, regular, (over 20% fat) PF
Beef taco (fried) PFC
"Breaded" foods FC
Breakfast sandwich (fast-food) PFC
Cake FC
Candy PFC
Cereal (sugared) PFC
Chicken à la King PFC
Chicken (buffalo wings, nuggets, tenders) PFC
Chicken or fish sandwich, fried PFC
Chips (potato or corn) FC
Chocolate PFC
Chicken fried steak PFC
Cinnamon bun FC
Coffee (mocha, macchiato, ice blended, frappé, triple caramel vanilla buzz bomb, etc.) FC
Cookies (Oreo®, etc.) FC
Creamed veggies FC
Creamer (nondairy) FC
Doughnuts FC
Energy drinks C
Fowl, ground, regular (over 20% fat) PF
French fries FC
Gravy PF
Grilled cheese sandwich PFC
Hamburger (fast-food) PFC
High fructose corn syrup C
Hot dogs PFC
"Hydrogenated" foods F
Ice cream FC
Jerky (beef, pork, venison) PFC
Juice (sugar added) C
Lobster Newburg PFC
Margarine F
Milk (cream or half-and-half) PFC
Nachos FC
Onion rings FC
Pastries FC
Pies FC
Pizza (delivered) PFC
Potato skins (fried) FC
Refried beans (w/ lard) PFC
Salad dressing (creamy) FC
Sausage PF
Soft drinks, diet (read the studies)
Soft drinks, sugared C
Sports drinks & foods (unless you're playing sports)
Syrup C
Sugar (refined) C
Tater tots FC
Toaster pastries FC
Vegetable oil (cheap big brand) F
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